A little karma to get you started..
Mercury is positioned just right for a heated debate. Your persuasion and articulation skills will be at their peak. The opposition by Mars may cause arguments later in the conference so make sure you're not fighting alone. The prettier your allies, the better.
Networking opportunities will be excellent so make sure you're comfortable with change. If English isn't your first language, don't let it get in your way: it only makes you exotic. Be noticed- just for the right reasons.
If life isn't as challenging as you would like it to be, it's time to stir things up. Introduce the motions you've had on your mind for a while.
While you may feel the urge to stay low because of a jealous Leo, impressions need to be made quickly. You will emerge the king of unmoderated caucuses.
Try not to get into unnecessary disagreements and hear people out. You'll find yourself a part of an unlikely alliance. Dance your way to success in the socials.
Work slowly. Try to let the session play out- at least for a while. Suppress the urge to constantly take points of personal privilege. There are only so many important phone calls you can get.
If you're not sure whether or not you should intervene in the ongoing conflict, it's partly because you don't really know what's going on. Shift your attention towards the actual debate. The world is yours for the taking.
The gavel is sweet on you. It wont take too much effort to tilt either the debate or that delegate you've been looking at in your favour. Even the planets favour you: go straight for the gold!
Massive amounts of praise will be heaped upon you if you play your cards right. However, do not let this cloud your judgment about a certain figure of authority.
All the drama may seem a little daunting. When things get too intense, take a step backwards. Focus on enjoying every minute. Note-passing was made to be abused. That's how everyone finds love at these things.
All eyes are on you. If you're planning on making a move, make it smooth. Word of advise: Right of Reply is tricky business.
Though you have a lot of issues to keep track of, remember appearances are everything. Do not let the outside world get to you. A little level headedness and diplomacy will have your adversaries reconsidering their stances.
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