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Saturday, 20 February 2010

Spotted: Catherine Moore.

Cat’s take on Drugs, Crime and the rest of the world..

Home town: Atlanta, GA

Career plans: Start with a career in International Law, work with the UN and then start my political career in the state of New York and eventually go on to become President of the US in 2041 (that's right everyone, watch out!)

A good delegate is:

Well- prepared, factual, eloquent, a good negotiator. They must know when to speak and when to listen.

What traits do you not appreciate in delegates: Tardiness, speaking after their time has elapsed or just for the sake of speaking and not saying anything.

Ideal nation to represent at MUN: I would much rather have a slightly controversial country like Zimbabwe or Venezuela to spice up debate a bit.

Nation you'd least like to be at an MUN and why: United States...I'll be doing that enough later in life!

Most memorable MUN experience: In GAPLEN at LIMUN 2009, the delegate from Zimbabwe took his shoe off after voting "No-with rights" and proceeded to beat the copy of the resolution on the floor with his shoe. He was expressing his distaste for all things contained in that resolution. Needless to say, the resolution passed.

Funniest MUN pickup line you’ve ever heard: "I'll bang your gavel so hard you'll scream decorum."

Most awkward MUN moment: A guy walked into a committee session, sat down, raised his placard, was recognized, and began giving an eloquent speech....on the wrong topic! Turns out he was supposed to be in the committee next door and had just walked too far down the hall without realizing it!

Largest MUN conflict you've ever been a part of or seen: I've watched delegates yell at each other over who stole who's words for a clause or an amendment. It's all a bit inane really as we should be trying to work towards a common goal and not worried about who gets "credit" for something!

In what way would you change the permanent composition of the UN? Security Council reform: They still wield some power and influence, but it would be interesting to see how a SC without those 5 on it would operate.

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