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Saturday, 20 February 2010

Spotted: Eric Schmidt

Truly global: Director of the African Union, born in Germany, studying in London, who has attended more MUNs than he can list.

Academic History:
Currently Queen Mary University of London - 2nd yr International relations
2007-2008 (discon.)
University of Aberystwyth - International Politics & Intelligence Studies
2004 - 2007
Ship Broker apprenticeship with Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics AS, Bremen, Germany

Home Town:
Bremen, Germany - Home of Beck's Beer & Werder Bremen

Career plans:
Whatever well paid professions are left after the crisis
What you look for in a good delegate:
The ability to convince others of the righteous and, similiarly important, the ability to be convinced by others.
What traits do you not appreciate in delegates:
Arrogance & the inability to handle criticism

Ideal nation to represent in a MUN:
Venezuela, because one can stick it to the man
Nation you'd least like to represent in a MUN:
USA - ever since George W. left, all the Kissinger style realism disappeared

Most memorable MUN experience:
China about the delegate of the UK
'Although he may sound like the British Broadcasting Corporation, his brain is full of the Cable News Network'

Funniest MUN pick up line you've ever heard:
Never really saw the sense in those. A simple 'how are you doing? I would love to buy you a drink, if thats ok' usually works a lot better:-)

One currently active international figure you admire:
Hugo Chavez - for sticking it to the man!

One person from history you admire:
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

In what way would you change the permanent composition of the UN?
Please, I could write my dis on that :-)

What do you think is the biggest global issue?
Food Security and the effects of asymmetrical globalization

Three random facts about you
1. I am 26
2. I am completely useless, when it comes to recognizing celebrities
3. I think being a delegate is soo much more fun than being a chair:-)

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