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Saturday, 20 February 2010

Spotted: Mark Sleboda

The Crisis Director of NATO who has attended "every MUN that mattered in the UK in the past three years": "Because Peace is a continuation of war by other means..."

Academic History:

US Naval Nuclear Power School – Nuclear Engineering/Reactor Operator

Moscow State University – International Relations

Richmond the American International Relations in London – International Relations and Political Science - BA

LSE – MSc candidate IR Theory (currently)

Home town

I was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA. By choice and immigration my hometown is Moscow, Russia.

Longer term career plans

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s protégé...

What you look for in a good delegate

Research, rhetoric, and willingness to stand up to me in debate (even after uncountable rounds of vodka the night before)...

What traits do you not appreciate in delegates

Anyone who does not meet the criteria of last answer...

Ideal nation to represent at MUN and why;

There have been a few times when I haven’t represented Russia...

Nation you'd least like to be at an MUN and why;

The USA – I hate playing the bad guys...

Most memorable MUN experience

Operation Pizza Hut to overthrow George Harnett as the US President at Oxford 2008 Crisis...

Funniest/ best MUN pickup line you've heard

Anything that comes out of Asen Genshakov’s (Warwick) mouth after 1am. I stand in awe of the “devil incarnate”.

Most awkward/ embarassing MUN moment (either yours or once you've seen)

No comment...ever...

Largest MUN conflict you've ever been a part of or seen

Is there a Crisis Committee or Security Council that doesn’t end in a nuclear exchange? Haven’t seen one yet...And after they fly, what’s the point?

One person from history you admire

Lev Davidovich Bronstein – aka Trotsky

How do you prevent the committee sessions from getting too dry?

Invade someone...or everyone...

In what way would you change the permanent composition of the UN?

Just replace the damn thing with a Great Power Poker Game or bring back duelling by pistol...

What do you think is the biggest global issue?

Seriously? Climate Change.

Three random facts about you

1. Frequently recited about me when someone finds out I’m in their committee, “Oh shit it’s that scary guy!”

2. I’m not that scary. Really...

3. Martini cocktails is my preferred drug of choice...

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